According to the art: As the first major movie featuring Covid-19, it plays a minor role in the plot and infers the time it is set.
According to the art: As the first major movie featuring Covid-19, it plays a minor role in the plot and infers the time it is set.
Projects So That I Can Say More
According to the art: Here I compare biomedical and literary text describing Tourette syndrome. The biomedical text from a neurology journal describes the characteristic tics and behaviors while the literary text from a Jonathan Lethem novel more vividly describes signs and symptoms, and describes how Tourette syndrome can affect lives.
Projects So That I Can Say More
According to the art: I juxtapose a compressed biomedical explanation of how the plague spreads from a prominent medical journal with excerpts from O’Farrell’s novel where she describes how the plague reached and infected her two young characters.
According to the art: Florian Zeller, the screenwriter and director, admits he wants viewers feeling what people with dementia feel. He succeeds in the movie as he succeeded in the Broadway play version preceding it.
According to the Art: From this novel, we get a view—Lethem’s—of how Tourette syndrome can affect everyday life and how it can progress; how people with the syndrome can think about it; the balance people seek between benefits and side effects of drug therapies; and whether it’s acceptable to think that some verbal and physical tics are funny.
According to the Art: The novel centers on the eleven-year-old son of a late sixteenth-century playwright and stage performer who died from the plague in Stratford, England. Story elements touching on medical humanities concerns include death, grief, dread, childbirth, and how plague infections spread.
According to the art: The movie can be approached as a crime story with dementia as a wrinkle, or as a dementia story with crime as a wrinkle. As a movie focusing on dementia, it prompts the haunting possibility that people with advanced dementia may still possess more cognitive ability than they are credited, and that language problems dementia can cause may obscure retained recall and cognitive functions.
According to the art: I was drawn to this novel because it covers the early HIV / AIDS epidemic in Chicago, which is where I was at the time. I was not disappointed as far as that goes, but found it impossible not to draw comparisons between the novel and the current coronavirus pandemic
Projects So That I Can Say More
According to the art: This is a book to read for the charm, eloquence, erudition, humility, and humor it provides as much or more than the history of typhus covered.
According to the Art: Cipolla’s account of the bubonic plague striking Northern Italy in 1630 shows how epidemics drive people into opposing groups, in this case, Church and State. The 2020 pandemic shows that epidemics still drive people into opposing groups.